1. Background

Individuals and institutions have been transferring genetic material both legally and illegally to and out of Ethiopia. Unfortunately, this has resulted in the spread of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and instances of biopiracy, resulting in the exploitation of genetic resources and their products through practices such as illegal use and patenting. Consequently, this misuse has hindered both the country and local communities from fully benefiting from the access of their genetic resources.

Ethiopia has introduced national laws governing access to genetic material and the sharing of benefits thereof. However, effectively controlling the flow of the country’s genetic wealth in multiple directions requires a concerted effort and shared responsibility. This is essential for the benefit of Ethiopia and the local communities that have diligently conserved these resources for generations.

In addition to adhering to the legal procedures outlined above, researchers should be aware that it is their responsibility to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations when transferring genetic materials. It remains crucial to conduct research ethically and in accordance with the existing national and international laws and best practices. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to exercise caution and seek guidance from appropriate authorities particularly from the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute when working with genetic materials.

Moreover, you are expected to fulfill all requirements of access and apply for permits at the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute before going into any international agreement that involves the transfer of the country’s genetic resources.

2. Genetic Material Export Permit

The Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI) is mandated to give access permit for those who need to export genetic materials abroad for research purposes. Ethiopian researchers planning to do their researches abroad on genetic material (s) from Ethiopia must obtain permits from EBI before transferring the genetic material to another country.

To facilitate the process there are certain requirements that the permit applicant needs to fulfill. These are:

  1. Genetic Material Export Application letter,
  2. Material Transfer Agreement (MTA),
  3. Letter of Assurance,
  4. Research Proposal.

2.1 Official Application Letter: The permit applicant must bring an official letter from his/her home organization (Employer). In the official letter, the following must be clearly indicated as appropriate:

  • The person responsible for the research,
  • Local and scientific name of the species that needs to be taken abroad,
  • Amount of sample in grams/kilograms/packs/Liter, etc.,
  • Total number of accessions/samples,
  • The destination Institute/Laboratory/University and country, and
  • Purpose/objective of the research.

Note: If the samples are collected by the researcher from various regions of the country, the passport data of the samples needs to be attached with the official request letter.

 2.2 Research Proposal: The applicant must submit a revised and authenticated copy of his/her Research proposal (not more than 15 pages) – with brief introduction, objective/s, clear methodology, expected outcomes and the benefit of the research to Ethiopia.

 2.3 Material Transfer Agreement (MTA): Five (5) copies of MTA signed and stamped by the Employer (Host Institution in Ethiopia) and the researcher need to be produced along with the official application letter for faster facilitation process.

[Download Sample Material Transfer Agreement here.]

Note: Although the general structure of the MTA is similar, the specific contents vary depending on the research objective, expected outcome, number of samples, destination country, etc. Make sure that on the page that bears the seal of your Employer/Institution, there must not be any error/s.

 2.4 Letter of Assurance: Official letter must be brought from institutions abroad where the genetic material will be transferred to. This is a type of agreement where the receiving institution agrees to implement the terms and conditions of the MTA and an assurance that the institution will not transfer the genetic material to third party or misuse the genetic material other than the intended use/purpose specified in the MTA.

[Download sample Letter of Assurance here.]

In addition to instructions given for export permit to Ethiopian researchers, foreign applicants should fulfill the following:

2.5 Present a letter from the competent national authority of his/her country or that of his domicile assuring that it shall uphold and enforce the access obligations of the applicant;

2.6 Collection of the genetic material in Ethiopia shall be accompanied by personnel of the Institute or personnel of the relevant institution to be designated by the Institute;

2.7 The application must be submitted at least 5 working days prior to the expected date of export.

3. Genetic Material Import Permit

To facilitate the import of any genetic material there are certain requirements that the permit applicant needs to fulfill. These are:

  1. Genetic Material Import Application Letter,
  2. Research Proposal,
  3. Passport data and/or pedigree of samples,
  4. Material Transfer Agreement (MTA),
  5. GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) and Invasive Alien Species (IAS) free Certificate/official letter,

3.1 Official Import Application letter: Letter from the import requesting organization is required. In the official letter, the person/Institute responsible for the research, local and scientific name of the species that needs to be imported, amount of sample in grams/kilograms/packs, Liter, etc., the country from where the material is imported, total number of accessions/samples and purpose of the research need to be mentioned.

3.2 Research proposal: A revised and authenticated copy of the Research proposal (not more than 15 pages) – with brief introduction, objective/s, expected outcomes and the benefit of the research to Ethiopia.

3.3 Passport data and/or pedigree of samples: The passport data and/or pedigree information of the samples needs to be attached with the official request letter.

3.4 Material Import Agreement (MTA): Five (5) copies of signed and stamped MTA by the importing organization need to be produced along with the official letter for faster facilitation process.

[Download sample Material Import Agreement here]

Note: Although the general structure of the MTA is similar, the specific contents vary depending on the research objective, expected outcome, amount required, country, etc. For this, it is advisable if you copy the MTA format attached MTA Import Template (MS word) and fill/edit the format depending on your requirement.

3.5 GMO and IAS free certificate: Official letter that shows the material is free from Genetically Modified Organisms and invasive alien species has to be produced from the institutions abroad.

3.6 The application must be submitted at least 5 working days prior to the expected date of import.

4. Exploration Permit

Explorers have to fulfil the following requirements to get Exploration Permit from our Institute and undertake Exploration.

4.1 Official Application Letter: Any person/institution who wants to obtain exploration permit shall present written application to the Institute. The application shall specify the purpose of the exploration, the types of the genetic resources to be explored, the locality where the exploration shall be conducted and the time schedule for the exploration.

4.2 Obligations: Any holder of an exploration permit from EBI shall have the following obligations:

  • Deposit a copy of the exploration permit in the district of the locality where the exploration will be conducted;
  • Strictly observe the terms and conditions specified in the permit;
  • Present to the Institute a detailed and complete report of the exploration mission upon its completion;
  • Show, up on request, the exploration permit issued to him;

Respect local customs, traditions, values, property rights in the locality where the exploration shall be conducted and the laws of the country.

5. Genetic Material Access from EBI Gene bank for Research in Ethiopia

Users/Researchers need to bring:

  1. Official request letter from your organization/institution;
  2. An attachment to the official letter that clearly describes germplasm /genetic resource required (example: scientific name of the species; quantity of accession; altitude; number of seeds required, etc.). This depends on your research need.
  3. A copy of your research proposal;

Note: There are scientific procedures (acclimatization) that take us at least 48 hours to make ready the germplasm from the Gene bank.

For further details and assistance, please contact us using the following addresses:

E-mail: info@ebi.gov.et

Tel: +251-11-6612244

Fax: +251-11-6613722

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia