Biodiversity Related Local Community Knowledge: A Neglected Category of Wisdom
National Biodiversity Platform (NBP-Ethiopia)
Ethiopian Aquatic and Wetland Ecosystems: Precious Biotic Systems under Threat
Ensuring Land Degradation Neutrality in Ethiopia
Ethiopian Pollinator Conservation
Reports on NBP-Ethiopia and Stakeholder workshop
Annual National Biodiversity Platform(NBP)-Ethiopoia Plenary workshop
Report on stakeholders’ workshops to contribute to the IPBES process by participating in IPBES assessments and involving in review processes of IPBES assessment reports
A Trialogue Session of Policy makers, the Scientific Community and Practitioners
Implementation of Component I in Ethiopia of Post-National Ecosystem Assessment Results Framework
Assessment of Matters Related to “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Assessment on “the status of awareness of key stakeholders on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Ethiopia
Enhancing Mushroom Production and Consumption Trend in Ethiopia
Best Practice on: Improved Farmers’ Varieties to Enhance Ecosystem Services
Best Practices on the Commercialization of Osyris Species through Access and Benefit Sharing Scheme
Traditional Pollinator Conservation Practices in Southwestern Ethiopia
Land/Forest ecosystem restoration for enhanced biodiversity and ecosystem services: Best practices in Ethiopia
Workshop report to design agenda for policy and decision makers take into account the NEA findings and recommendations related to BES
Monitor and Evaluate the Performance Gaps of National Biodiversity Platform
School children’s participation in biological restoration of degraded lands/ecosystems through plantation of indigenous tree seedlings