Welcome to the Center of Origin & Diversity, Ethiopia!
Establishment and History
A Plant Genetic Resources Center, Ethiopia (PGRC/E) was initially established in May 1976 through a bilateral technical cooperation agreement between the Governments of Ethiopia and Germany. The main objective was to rescue the country’s plant genetic resources from adverse impacts of various human activities and natural calamities and thereby, support crop improvement programs. In 1998, it was re-established as the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research (EBIR) broadening its mandate and duties to implement Ethiopia’s obligation to the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD). In 2004, the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (EBI) was amended. Finally, in 2013 the institute has the current structure and renamed as Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI).
Mandates, Duties and Responsibilities
Ethiopia has set clear national policy directives on conservation of biological resources. In the past, conservation efforts focused on plant genetic resources and priority was given to field crops. Since 1998, the Institute was given a wider mandate of conservation and sustainable utilization of all forms of biological resources including plants, animals and microbial genetic resources as well as associated indigenous knowledge. Ecosystem management is also recognized as one of the areas to be given priority. As to the importance of biodiversity and our dependence on biological resources, conservation efforts give emphasis to local and national needs and values. The Institute, thus, has power and duties related to the conservation and promoting the sustainable utilization of Ethiopia’s biodiversity. This includes maintaining and developing international relations with bilateral and multilateral bodies having the potential to providing technical assistance. The Institute, on the basis of national legislation, has the responsibility and duty to implement international conventions, agreements and obligations on biodiversity to which Ethiopia is a party.
By 2030, EBI will be Center of Excellence in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use in Africa.
Undertake study and research on the proper conservation of Ethiopia’s Biodiversity and associated indigenous knowledge; Establish participatory conservation mechanisms; Ensure fair and equitable Access and Benefit Sharing; Promote sustainable utilization of biodiversity for sustainable development.
To ensure that the country’s biodiversity and the associated community knowledge are properly conserved and sustainably utilized, and the country and its communities get fair and equitable share of the benefits arising from their utilization.
Events by Photo

Mapping Biodiversity Priorities Phase II Experts Meeting
የኢንስቲትዩቱ ሠራተኞች የኮቪድ 19 ምርመራ አካሄዱ
Six National Report Debriefing Meeting
በኢንስቲትዩቱ ወርሃዊ የጽዳት ዘመቻ ተካሄደ
የኢትዮጵያ ብዝሀ ሕይወት ኢንስቲትዩት ሰራተኞች የችግኝ ተከላ መርሀ-ግብር አካሄዱ
The institute consists of seven lead executive offices, namely: Animal Biodiversity Research Lead Executive Office, Crop & Horticulture Biodiversity Research Lead Executive Office, Forest & Range Land Plants Biodiversity Research Lead Executive Office, Genetic Resources Access & Benefit Sharing Research Lead Executive Office, Microbial Biodiversity Research Lead Executive Office, Training, Consulting, Project Monitoring and Support Lead Executive Office and Centers and Botanical Gardens Coordination. There are also ten administrative executive offices, namely: Audit Executive Office, Basic Services Executive Office, Ethics and Anti-corruption Executive Office, Human Resource Administration and Competency Executive Office, Information Communication Technology Executive Office, Organizational Change Executive Office, Procurement and Finance Executive Office, Public Relation & Communication Executive Office, Strategic Affairs Executive Office and Women’s Inclusion and Social Affairs Implementation Executive Office. The Institute establishes seven (7) additional biodiversity centers in Metu, Hawasa, Harer, Mekele, Goba, Bahirdar and Asosa, two (2) botanical gardens in Jimma and Shashemene and one (1) duplicate gene bank located in Fiche to enhance the accessibility of biodiversity conservation and research. The Director General (DG) and the Deputy Director General (DDG) leads the institute which supported by the management committee. The management committee consists of all the executive officers.