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ብዝሀ ሕይወት
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
CBD Ethiopia
About the Convention
History of the Convention
Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM)
CBD National Contacts
CHM Strategy
Laws, Strategies, and Guidelines
NBSAP of Ethiopia
CBD Country Reports
Genetic Material Holdings
Microbial Conservation
Protected Areas
Field Gene Banks
Forage and Pasture Field Gene Bank
Horticulture Field Gene Banks
Crop Community Gene Banks
Medicinal Plants Field Gene Banks
Forest Field Gene Banks
East Africa Plant Genetic Resource Network
Agro-Biodiversity Project
Conservation & Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants
National information Sharing Mechanism
NBSAP Updating and CBD 5th National Report
Research Programme on Sustainable Use of Dryland Biodiversity
RPSUD Granted Projects
CBD 4th Country Report
Invasive Species
Background Information
IAS Management in Ethiopia
Regional Distribution of IAS
Threats Caused by IAS
Diversity of Ecosystem
Ecosystem Approach
Acacia-Commiphora Wood Land Ecosystem
Afroalpine and Sub-Afroalpine Ecosystem
Aquatic Ecosystem
Combretum-Terminalia Woodland Ecosystem
Desert and Semi-Desert Scrubland Ecosystem
Dry Evergreen Montane Forest & Evergreen Scrub
Lowland Tropical Forest Ecosystem
Monatane-Grassland Ecosytem
Montane Moist Forest Ecosystem
Wetland Ecosystem
Diversity of Species
Animal Species Diversity
Domestic Animal Diversity
Terrestrial Wild Animal Diversity
Aquatic Wild Animal Diversity
Plant Species Diversity
Crop Wild Relatives
Underutilized Species
Medicinal Plant Diversity
Pasture and Forage Plant Diversity
What is Biodiversity?
Biodiversity Day
Biodiversity and Food
Growing Food
Farming and Biodiversity
Think and Feel Biodiversity
Glossary of Biodiversity Terms
Gender and Biodiversity
Gender Makes the Difference in Biodiversity
Women and Biodiversity
Gender, Climate Change and Biodiversity
የሥራ ክፍሎች
የማኔጅመንት አባላት
የእንስሳት ብዝሀ ሕይወት ምርምር
የአዝዕርትና ሆርቲካልቸር ብዝሀ ሕይወት ምርምር
ደንና ግጦሽ መሬት ዕፅዋት ብዝሀ ሕይወት ምርምር
የጀነቲክ ሀብት አርክቦትና ጥቅም ተጋሪነት ምርምር
የደቂቅ አካላት ብዝሀ ሕይወት ምርምር
አዋጅ፣ ደንቦችና መመሪያዎች
የምርምር ጽሑፎች
የኢትዮጵያ የብዝሀ ሕይወት ጆርናል
ብሔራዊ የብዝሀ ሕይወት ስትራቴጂና የድርጊት መርሃ ግብር
ብሔራዊ የሥነ-ምህዳር ዳሰሳ
የብዝሀ ሕይወት ወርሃዊ መጽሔት
የብዝሀ ሕይወት ዓመታዊ መጽሔት
ጀነቲክ ሃብት
Access Permit Granted
Genetic Material Transfer
Commercial Access
Call for Accessing Genetic Resources for Benefit Sharing
ABS Laws
Background and Definitions
Protection of Community Rights
Condition of Access
Follow Up and Compliance
Exploration of Genetic Resources
Administration of Access
Miscellaneous Provisions
Call for Bioprospecting
ስለ ተቋሙ
የቀድሞ ዋና ዳይሬክተሮች
ብዝሀ ሕይወት
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
CBD Ethiopia
About the Convention
History of the Convention
Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM)
CBD National Contacts
CHM Strategy
Laws, Strategies, and Guidelines
NBSAP of Ethiopia
CBD Country Reports
Genetic Material Holdings
Microbial Conservation
Protected Areas
Field Gene Banks
Forage and Pasture Field Gene Bank
Horticulture Field Gene Banks
Crop Community Gene Banks
Medicinal Plants Field Gene Banks
Forest Field Gene Banks
East Africa Plant Genetic Resource Network
Agro-Biodiversity Project
Conservation & Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants
National information Sharing Mechanism
NBSAP Updating and CBD 5th National Report
Research Programme on Sustainable Use of Dryland Biodiversity
RPSUD Granted Projects
CBD 4th Country Report
Invasive Species
Background Information
IAS Management in Ethiopia
Regional Distribution of IAS
Threats Caused by IAS
Diversity of Ecosystem
Ecosystem Approach
Acacia-Commiphora Wood Land Ecosystem
Afroalpine and Sub-Afroalpine Ecosystem
Aquatic Ecosystem
Combretum-Terminalia Woodland Ecosystem
Desert and Semi-Desert Scrubland Ecosystem
Dry Evergreen Montane Forest & Evergreen Scrub
Lowland Tropical Forest Ecosystem
Monatane-Grassland Ecosytem
Montane Moist Forest Ecosystem
Wetland Ecosystem
Diversity of Species
Animal Species Diversity
Domestic Animal Diversity
Terrestrial Wild Animal Diversity
Aquatic Wild Animal Diversity
Plant Species Diversity
Crop Wild Relatives
Underutilized Species
Medicinal Plant Diversity
Pasture and Forage Plant Diversity
What is Biodiversity?
Biodiversity Day
Biodiversity and Food
Growing Food
Farming and Biodiversity
Think and Feel Biodiversity
Glossary of Biodiversity Terms
Gender and Biodiversity
Gender Makes the Difference in Biodiversity
Women and Biodiversity
Gender, Climate Change and Biodiversity
የሥራ ክፍሎች
የማኔጅመንት አባላት
የእንስሳት ብዝሀ ሕይወት ምርምር
የአዝዕርትና ሆርቲካልቸር ብዝሀ ሕይወት ምርምር
ደንና ግጦሽ መሬት ዕፅዋት ብዝሀ ሕይወት ምርምር
የጀነቲክ ሀብት አርክቦትና ጥቅም ተጋሪነት ምርምር
የደቂቅ አካላት ብዝሀ ሕይወት ምርምር
አዋጅ፣ ደንቦችና መመሪያዎች
የምርምር ጽሑፎች
የኢትዮጵያ የብዝሀ ሕይወት ጆርናል
ብሔራዊ የብዝሀ ሕይወት ስትራቴጂና የድርጊት መርሃ ግብር
ብሔራዊ የሥነ-ምህዳር ዳሰሳ
የብዝሀ ሕይወት ወርሃዊ መጽሔት
የብዝሀ ሕይወት ዓመታዊ መጽሔት
ጀነቲክ ሃብት
Access Permit Granted
Genetic Material Transfer
Commercial Access
Call for Accessing Genetic Resources for Benefit Sharing
ABS Laws
Background and Definitions
Protection of Community Rights
Condition of Access
Follow Up and Compliance
Exploration of Genetic Resources
Administration of Access
Miscellaneous Provisions
Call for Bioprospecting
ስለ ተቋሙ
የቀድሞ ዋና ዳይሬክተሮች
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ብዝሀ ሕይወት
Biodiversity Day
Coordinating Team