Medicinal plants and traditional medicine play an important role in the health care system of most developing countries. In Ethiopia about 80% of human population and 90% of livestock rely on traditional medicine. The traditional health care practice is mainly dependent on medicinal plants collected from the wild. In spite of this, the medicinal plant biodiversity is being depleted due to man-made and natural calamities. Moreover, the indigenous knowledge associated with the conservation and use of medicinal plants is also disappearing at an alarming rate. In light of the importance of these resources that provide the health care needs for the majority of human and livestock population in Ethiopia, and also the fact that medicinal plants could be used as sources of revenue for farmers, the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (EBI) has initiated the development of a project on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants (CSMPP) in collaboration with relevant stakeholders in October 2001.
Status: የተጠናቀቁ
- Medicinal plants Ex situ Field Genebanks established in Wondo Genet and Bale
- Medicinal Plants In situ conservation sites established in Bale mountains
- Medicinal Plants seeds and herbarium specimens were collected from different parts of the country and stored in storage facilities
- Medicinal Plants database established
- Bale Mountains National Park Management Plan Prepared
- Capacity built
- Awareness on medicinal plants biodiversity raised
Duration: October 2001-June 2007
Coordinator: Dr. Fassil Kibebew