Article 26 of the Convention states that the objective of national reporting is to provide information on measures taken for the implementation of the Convention and the effectiveness of these measures. In accordance with Article 6, measures to be addressed, in light of specific national circumstances, are reflected in the national biodiversity strategy and action plan.
At its eighth meeting (Curitiba, March 2006), the Conference of the Parties considered a preliminary synthesis of information contained in the third national reports that had been received by the end of October 2005. The meeting also endorsed the guidelines for the fourth national report that had been prepared according to guidance provided by the first meeting of the Working Group on Review of Implementation (recommendation I/9). Consideration was also given to relevant views expressed by Parties at the eighth meeting and further comments submitted by some Parties.
The guidelines for the fourth national reports were developed based on the experience and lessons learned from previous reporting processes under the Convention, in particular from the second and third national reports. The multiple-choice questionnaire, the main format adopted for these earlier reports, has proven less helpful than expected for review and decision-making processes under the Convention, focusing too narrowly on COP decisions addressed to Parties rather than providing a complete picture of national implementation.
The fourth national report provides an important opportunity to assess progress towards the 2010 target, drawing upon an analysis of the current status and trends in biodiversity and actions taken to implement the Convention at the national level, as well as to consider what further efforts are needed.
Status: Finalized (November 2009)
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- A Final Country report has been prepared and submited to CBD Secretariat.
Duration: April 2009 – Nov. 2009
Focal Person: Dr. Girma Balcha (EBI)
Coordinator: Mr. Abiyot Berhanu