RPSUD is a project initiated to promote participatory research, development and sustainable management of dryland biodiversity. The programme was started in 1995 and is implemented by a consortium of three countries: Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania, under the leadership of: the National Museums of Kenya (NMK), Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (Ethiopia), Addis Ababa university (Ethiopia) and the Dar es Salaam University (Tanzania). The NMK is the lead institution and also hosts the secretariat. The consortium is supported by the Swedish International Development Agency and Swedish Agency for Research and Cooperation (SIDA/SAREC) and the national programmes of the four institutions.
RPSUD is working with a mission to build, promote and sustain capacity for sustainable management of biodiversity in dryland areas of eastern Africa through training, research, information packaging and dissemination, for the benefit and well being of communities in the sub-region.
Status: በሂደት ላይ ያሉ
Focal Person: Feaven Workeye (EBI)